On Wednesday, February 21st, Jan Hill , Dumas Instructional Facilitator, and Thea Capps, SEARK Literacy Specialist, met with teachers and administrators at Central Elementary during voluntary team time to discuss lesson internalization and interventions. Principal, Dr. Vivian Evans, also attended to support the work with teachers.
about 1 year ago, Jennifer White
Takyra Hampton, Dumas Instructional Facilitator, and Thea Capps, SEARK Literacy Specialist, met with teachers and administrators today during PLCs to discuss progress monitoring and interventions.
about 1 year ago, Jennifer White
Teacher 2
Inclement Weather Make-Up Days Update: The top priority of the Dumas School District is the safety and well-being of students, faculty, and staff. With that in mind, the district missed five days (30 hours) of school instructional time that must be made up because the state standards require schools to have 178 days (1068 hours) of instruction. We had three options to make up the lost time: 1) add an hours to the day until the time is made up, 2.) add five (5) days to the end of the school year, and 3.) make adjustments to the existing schedule. The faculty and staff voted to make up the lost time by decreasing the class transition time from five (5) minutes to three (3) minutes at our secondary schools for the remainder of the school year. Elementary schools have enough minutes in their schedules, so no changes will be made to their schedules. This will make up three (3) of the five (5) days missed. The other two days will be added to the end of the school year. This will move the end of school from June 4, 2024 to June 6, 2024.
about 1 year ago, The Parent Center
Dumas School District will be closed on Monday, February 19th, 2024 in observance of President's day. Classes will resume on Tuesday, February 20th.
about 1 year ago, The Parent Center
Thank you parents and guardians for attending Parent Teacher conferences this past Monday! Your involvement makes a lasting impact on your student's life and academic success.
about 1 year ago, The Parent Center
Parents and guardians, Mark your calendars for Parent Teacher Conferences on Monday, February 5th, 2024. We hope to see you there!
about 1 year ago, Dumas Parent Center
Students and teacher at conference
ATTN: Parents, Guardians and Staff of Dumas Dumas School District, We want to know! Complete the short survey by February 1, 2024: https://forms.gle/BZvVvryndXNogMtZ9
about 1 year ago, Dumas Parent Center
The Dumas School District will operate on a 1 hour delay tomorrow, January 23, 2024. There are still a few rural roads covered with ice where buses may not be able to travel. In this case, the district ask that parents transport their children to the end of the road for pickup. Buses will travel as many city street routes as possible. Please be patient with bus drivers as they do their best to make sure students arrive safely.
about 1 year ago, The Parent Center
Due to hazardous road conditions, the Dumas school district will remain closed Monday, January 22.
about 1 year ago, The Parent Center
Due to hazardous road conditions the Dumas School District will remain closed Friday, January 19th.
about 1 year ago, The Parent Center
DSD will remain closed tomorrow, Thursday January 18, due to hazardous conditions.
about 1 year ago, The Parent Center
The DSD will be closed tomorrow due to inclement weather. Stay warm and safe Bobcat nation.💛💜
about 1 year ago, The Parent Center
Due to inclement weather the Dumas School District will be closed on January 16th.
about 1 year ago, The Parent Center
Reminder: DSD will be closed on Monday January 15th, 2024 in observance of MLK Day.
about 1 year ago, The Parent Center
Central Elementary School would like to say, “Happy Law Enforcement Day to our SROs….. Thanks for all you have done, are doing and will do for the Dumas School District”.
about 1 year ago, The Parent Center